A Guide to Packing Clothes When Moving House

Blog / A Guide to Packing Clothes When Moving House

If you’ve ever been involved in a house relocation before, you would likely agree that the whole process takes a lot of work. From organising your belongings to sourcing the right packing materials, preparing for a big move is not the easiest of tasks. This is why the majority of homeowners choose to outsource the job to experienced professionals to avoid the stresses of moving house. 

However, packing up your wardrobe can be a personal thing and you may not like the idea of a stranger handling your clothes. If you feel comfortable packing things on your own, you can save a good chunk of your time, energy, and money by following a few value-based tips that even the professionals use.

This guide will cover everything you need to know about packing clothes in a timely and efficient manner. That way, your wardrobe is sorted out and will be easy to unpack once you arrive in your new home.

House Relocation


Group and sort your clothes

The first step to packing smart is to group and sort your clothes. This allows you to declutter your wardrobe and remove old clothes you haven’t worn for years. You can categorise your clothing in 3 ways to make it easier to sort out. Here’s how:

  1. Group by season

Pack your clothes according to the season. If it’s winter in your region, it’s safe to say you won’t be wearing your summer outfits anytime soon. On the opposite side of the spectrum, you won’t need to dig deep into multiple boxes of spring clothing when all you’re looking for is that bubble jacket.

  1. Group by material

The second step is to group your clothes by material. Natural and cotton fabrics tend to crease easily so it’s best to sort them out from your other clothing. Place such clothing on hangers with built-in racks as this will allow you to save time by not needing to iron them later on. Synthetic and polyester fabrics are more resistant to creases and can safely be folded and packed without much worry.

  1. Group by frequency of use

It’s a good idea to separate the clothes you use regularly for easy access. This means any clothing you wear for work, school, and your daily activities should be in their boxes. Label the boxes accordingly so you won’t have to scour through dozens of moving boxes to find the clothes you need.

Packing tips

In addition to using cardboard boxes, there are a couple of storage options that you can utilise to make packing clothes much easier. Here are some examples:

  1. Wardrobe carton

As the name suggests, a wardrobe carton is a portable wardrobe made of cardboard where you can store and hang clothes. It’s a simple way to pack your clothes that are already hanging in your wardrobe. Just transfer them straight to the wardrobe carton and you’re good to go. What’s great about wardrobe cartons is that they keep your clothes crease-free and allows for easier access compared to standard moving boxes. Light items like pillows or blankets can be placed on the bottom of the wardrobe carton which is a huge plus in our book.

  1. Vacuum bags

When it comes to packing clothes, vacuum bags aren’t the first things people think of. But  vacuum bags can be an efficient way to save space when packing clothes for longer periods. The only catch is that some clothes may not be suitable for storing inside vacuum bags. Clothes made from natural fibres need to ‘breathe’ to retain their shape and wool even holds in some moisture. While it’s okay o transport natural fibres in vacuum bags while moving house, be sure to unpack them immediately so they don’t end up getting warped or covered in mould.

  1. Keep clothes smelling fresh

You can keep your clothes smelling fresh by adding a small bag of powdered fabric conditioner or scented drawer liners to any moving boxes. If you’re moving into a relatively humid area, we recommend purchasing silica gel packs and store them inside the boxes to keep moisture under control.

  1. Backpacks and suitcases

It’s always a smart idea to make the most out of the available space you have. One example is hard luggage such as backpacks and suitcases. These are plenty useful for packing clothes, especially when you use the rolling technique. It works well for t-shirts, blouses, underwear and even pants.